Many Selections available
All Twin Brackets---Buy 10 cases/get one FREE!!!
All Buccal Tubes and Molar Bands
Light Cure or Chem Cure Choices
Blue Med-Thin Cement
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 results
MIM Twin and V-Slot Cases
(1 review)
BUY 10 TWIN CASES and get 1 FREE
Roth or MBT, .018 or .022, low profile, smooth
Case of 20, Hooks 3,4,5, singles available 



Single Twin Brackets

Single Twin MIM Brackets
Roth and MBT or Edgewise
.018 or .022, Regular and Mini

 Plated Twin Bracket Cases
Thickest 50mil plating on the market. 
Also available in arch wires and accessories.
24K Gold, Rose Gold and Rhodium available.
Passive SLB Cases-The Dome
Price: $0.00
The Dome Passive SLB, Popular in EU

Horizontal and Vertical Slots,.022, 20/Kit

Passive SLB Cases-EZ Snap
Price: $75.00
SALE!  EZ-Snap MBT SLB Case, .022
Passive, Smooth comfort, Mini
304 SS, MIM, Very popular!

Sapphire .022 Roth
Cases $138.00
Breakage resistant coating
Singles also available
BioCrystal Brackets, 20/kit
Price: $42.50
Polycarbonate, MIM, stain-resistant.
.022, Roth, low profile, comfortable
Mesh base, GREAT! 20/kit

BioCrystal Distalizer, 4/pk
Price: $149.95
Stain Resistant Polycarbonate Esthetics
4 distalizers with buccal tubes per kit.
Fully Adjustable, clear ruler included.

Ceramic Twin Brackets, 20 kit

Roth or MBT, .018 and .022
$69.00/case, buy 10 get 1 free
Gorgeous, comfort hooks on 3's, 4's, and 5's 

Singles available
Dovetail grooves for strong hold

Single Ceramic Brackets
Single Ceramic Brackets
$3.85 each
.018 and .022 Roth
Beautiful, non-staining
Buccal Tubes
Available in Convertible and Non-Convertible
Single or Double,  MBT or Roth, .018 or .022
Lingual Accessories also available


Lingual Bracket Cases
Lingual Comfort Brackets.
Bi-dimensional, 2 kit options.
Call to order.
LED Curing Light
Sturdy charging base and comfortable design.
Complete with eye guard protection.
Available in blue and white.

Secure-Set Band Cement
5 gm syringe, Blue color, thin consistency
30 second light cure
$16.00 each or less 2 or more
price and compare with what you use now

Etch 37% and Primer, 10/ml

10 ml bottle
Dental Grade
choose Etch or Primer

Molar Separator Springs
Open spaces for bands simply.
.018 SS, 25/pk.
Bicuspids and Molars.

Molar Bands-Whole Sizing

All singles $2.75, Double and Triples $3.25 per band!
Fast Shipping
All Rx's or attachments available



Molar Bands-Half Sizing

All singles $2.75, Double and Triples $3.25 per band!
Fast Shipping
All Rx's or attachments available