Natural, Universal, European, Standard,
Dual Dimension, Rev. Curve, Dimpled
Lingual Mushroom, MDW
Be Smart and Choose Modern Arch

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 results
All Round NiTi
Natural, Univ. and Euro., RC and Lingual
Super-Elastic, Thermal or New Copper Niti.
Packs of 10,  25 or 100 arches, with or w/out dimple.
Dimples and Lingual available separately
All Rectangular NiTi

Natural, Univ., Euro., RC, and Lingual
SE, TH or CuNiTi
10/pk, 25/pk or 100/pk, with or w/out dimple

Rev. Curve Round NiTi-2 styles
Choose Toe-In or Straight Legs.
Choose SE NiTi or Thermal NiTi.
Straight Leg RC in .016 and .018.

Rect. Rev. Curve NiTi-2 styles
(1 review)
Choose SE NiTi or TH NiTi.
Choose Toe-In or Straight Legs.
Available with Dimples.

Pre-Torqued NiTi Arch Wires
20 degree torqued anteriors.
Bright, smooth and great flex. 

Easy control of anterior pitch.


Niti Round - Micro Dental White Arch
25/pk or 100/pk
MDW Accessories also available
SS, NiTi, Natural, Universal
Niti Rectangle - Micro Dental White Arch
Almost invisible in the mouth.
This coating is able to be placed on SS and NiTi
Labial surface is coated for slide and dimensions.
Accessories available in MDW.25/pk and100/pk.
Tri-Force NiTi Arches
NiTi with 3 Force levels.
Anterior, Lateral and Posterior Flexes. 
Excellent Bio-Dynamic Arch Wire.

SE and TH Lingual Rectangular NiTi Arch Wires
Bright and Smooth Nickle Titanium.
Great Flex.
Variety of sizes and dimensions.

SE and TH Lingual Round NiTi Arch Wires
Bright Nickle Titanium, 10/pk.
Anatomical Mushroom Shape.
Upper and Lower Sizes available.