Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 results
.022 Roth Buccal Tubes 2/pk
SALE for new stock coming in.
.022 Roth Buccal Tubes 2/pk  $2.00
Sapphire Roth Cases
Price: $65.00
Clear Sapphire Twin Brackets
Cases of 20 or Singles Roth .018
Contact us for single bracket orders
Twin Bracket Cases
MBT .018 Mini or Edgewise.018 and .022
Buy 10 cases-get one free, BIG SALE!!
Beautiful brackets!! 20/case, Call for Closeout.
Passive SLB Cases-EZ Snap
Price: $75.00
SALE!  EZ-Snap MBT SLB Case, .022
Passive, Smooth comfort, Mini
304 SS, MIM, Very popular!

Palatal Bars
SALE!! Mesial and Distal
Sizes 41mm through 49mm 

304 SS, 10/pk

Retainer Cases w/Mirrors
Plastic Retainer Cases with Mirrors
Easy to clean, great storage.
8 swirly cases/pk
Price: $6.00

SALE!!  10/pk
Try our ZERO BEND Crimping Plier--tightest hold

NiTi Natural---Rectangular
Natural Upper & Lower.
Previous Overstock.

NiTi Natural---Round
Superelatic Natural Upper & Lower 
Previous overstock, all sales final.
Very slight variation from current stock. 

Tri-Force NiTi Arches
NiTi with 3 Force levels.
Anterior, Lateral and Posterior Flexes. 
Excellent Bio-Dynamic Arch Wire.

Thermal NiTi--Universal
Previous overstock, all sales are final.
Very slight variation than current stock
This is a great Copper NiTi sale!! 


.017x.022 NiTi Arches
Price: $30.00
Close out, WOW  AMAZING 
Natural U and L or Universal.
Available in bags of 100 only.

Thermal NiTi--Natural Round
Overstock, save big on Copper NiTi!

Thermal NiTi--Natural Rectangular
Previous overstock, all sales are final.
This is a great Copper NiTi sale!! 

Round Brass Posted Arch Wires
.018 or .020, 10/pk
Laser spot-welded brass on SS 
$15.00/pk, Natural U and L
Retainers. Aligners or EVA Bruxing
Acrylic Aligner and Hard Splint or Soft EVA 
Choose in Square or Round-125mm, 25/pk
.030"(.75mm), .040"(1.0mm), .060"(1.5mm), .080"(2.0mm)